
Use SmartVizor to Design and Filling Forms Benefits
Forms are an invaluable tool for collecting the information needed to run today's businesses, even in some households, and of course our many government agencies.
SmartVizor is powerful software that can be used for creating a variety ofpersonalized office stationeries and electronic forms.
Although many companies and organizations now distribute their forms in portable digital format (PDF) for printing, there's no means of opening those files in a word processor. There is a solution, however. If you have a scanner, you can scan the form as an image, and then use that image in a SmartVizor as sheet background. You've got an electronic form that you can fill out right on your computer screen!
About SmartVizor
Of course, we will not eliminate paper forms in the near future, but electronic forms enable the user to fill them out more effectively. And SmartVizor is the easiest, best way to create or fill electronic forms! The program provides sophisticated form design tools, which allow you to create forms from scratch or edit and enhance forms created from a template.
SmartVizor also allows you to visually fill out a pre-printed form and print it. Take any paper form, scan it with SmartVizor. You've got an electronic form that you can fill out right on your computer screen!
Who needs SmartVizor?
The answer is simple - anyone who needs to create and fill professional looking forms for the home and office. Every business needs forms, and here's the perfect way for you to get customized invoices, purchase orders, customer satisfaction reports, attendance records, and whatever else you require. Presentation is the key to success! If you're searching for a quality forms making and filling program, Uccsoft SmartVizor is your choice!
Why SmartVizor?
More features, flexibility, creativity, and power in one easy-to-use package than any other software in this price range. SmartVizor is an ideal replacement to other forms making and filling program, like Preprinted FORM Filler? or Formulator?
Download SmartVizor now FREE and try it out! This is the best way to learn what it can do. Just the Best, Guaranteed!
Feature List
WYSIWYG editing. |
Create large multi-sheet forms |
Powerful drawing tools, such as Line, Curve,Rectangle, Polygon, Ellipse, etc. |
Many lines styles, curves patterns, and designs. |
Create your own styles like a word processor. |
Unlimited number of layers. |
Allows change of character spacing and line spacing in text. |
Alignment and arrangement tools. |
Full zoom and Pan capability. |
Customizable working area. |
Copy or export forms to any program that supports OLE. |
Import graphics and clip-art to use in your forms. |
Drag and drop object from Object Library. |
Adjust sheet background capability. |
Filling, Personalized
stationeries, Electronic
forms Create, design,
filling and printing,
forms, Pre-printed
form, Business
forms, Customized
invoices, Purchase
orders, Customer
reports, Attendance
records, Forms
making |
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